5 Signs of a Bad Roofing Job

The roof is your home’s first line of defense, and that means any signs of a bad roofing job can cost you. 

The roof gets exposed to elements like water and heat, which expedites its wear and tear, reducing the lifespan. As a homeowner, you don’t want that to happen to your roof.

Most roof repairs require roofing experts. Luckily, you don’t need an expert to identify an improperly installed roof. 

One of the ways to avoid poor roof installations is by hiring a qualified roofer. Also, do not attempt DIYs if you don’t have the right skills and tools, and consider calling an expert to deal with the roofing problems as soon as you notice them. 

Let’s now get straight to the signs that your roofing job was not done properly. 

Signs of A Bad Roofing Job

Roofing a house is a costly investment. In addition to the roofing materials being expensive, you pay for the installation services. Therefore, it is upsetting when homeowners suffer roof leaks not long after installation. The good news is that a roof inspection can save the rest of your house from more damage.

Check out these signs of bad roofing:

1. Uneven Appearance

You don’t need a high level of expertise to notice whether your roof is even. However, if the shingles are not well aligned, or some parts are higher than others, this is a bad sign. 

Homeowners who ignore some of these defects end up doing a roof replacement sooner than they should. Failure to treat wrongly placed shingles can lead to roof leaks or shingles falling off.

2. Missing Shingles

Besides overlapping and uneven shingles, other roofers forget to install shingles in some parts of the roof. The most affected areas are the sides and corners of the roof that require small shingles. 

Some homeowners overlook missing shingles with the excuse that there is no exposure of the underlayment to direct sunlight. However, water will make its way into the roof and spread to the inner parts with time. 

Installing a missing shingle is easy in theory, but it can be tricky if the shingle should be in a different shape. Contact a roofer to fix the problem if you don’t have the expertise to do so on your own. 

3. Incorrect Use Of Roofing Materials

Another sign of a wrongly installed roof is the improper use of roofing materials like nails. This happens when the installer uses the wrong nail type to attach materials or uses fewer amounts of materials than required. 

A roof with fewer materials will age faster because it won’t withstand harsh climatic conditions for long. Besides, having the wrong nails encourages leakage as some nails leave big holes on the roof. Choose a qualified installer to avoid such complications. 

4. Stains On The Roof

Roofs are exposed to many elements like water and heat, and stains are inevitable after some time. However, some stains are due to debris and dust, while others occur because of water damage. 

Stains due to water damage are visible on the ceiling, attic, or shingles because of rotting. One major cause of stained ceiling is missing shingles or poor roof installation, specifically if the stains occur less than a year after installation. 

5. Missing Underlayment

Underlayment is vital to the roofing system because it contributes to longevity by preventing roof aging. The roofer installs it under the shingles for more protection. 

Without an underlayment, you will suffer roof leaks and aging of other parts like the insulation. An experienced installer will know how best to go about dealing with a missing underlayment.

Proper Roof Installation Is Important

Besides buying an expensive roof, the homeowner should also invest in an experienced installer. Most people DIY or hire a low-budget roof installer to save money. However, the consequences are expensive and long-lasting. 

The benefits of a proper roof installation are:

1. Less Maintenance

A well-executed roofing job leaves you with a firm and operational roof. You won’t have to worry about replacing a stained ceiling, missing shingles, or a rotting underlayment resulting from poor installation. 

Although hiring the best-qualified installer will cost you more, it’s an important investment in the long run. 

2. Long Roof Life

A roof with a lifespan of 50 years can only last that long if well installed. A poorly installed roof will suffer leaks or other issues from being exposed to the elements.

3. Warranties

Homeowners should ensure the roof installer follows the manufacturer’s terms and conditions on the materials, nails, and installation style so as to not void the warranties.

Hiring a qualified installer will save you the agony and frustration of declined warranties. 

4. Peace of Mind

Hiring a qualified installer assures you that the roof will be installed properly, providing you with peace of mind throughout the process.

Final Words

It’s not difficult to see the signs of a bad roofing job. Thankfully, this guide will help you prevent this from occurring. Ensuring you hire a professional installer to avoid such consequences should be a top priority. Contact Roof Master today to get a quote for a professional roof installation.

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