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Roof Maintenance Checklist for New Homeowners

Caring for your roof can be stressful, but a modest roof maintenance checklist can make everything stress-free. Using a credible roof upkeep checklist enables you to evaluate your roof’s overall health and avoid needless repairs or replacements.

Taking good care of your roof annually can extend its life from 15 years to 25 years and minimize the costly repairs and replacements by 45 percent. This article takes you through various steps on every roof maintenance checklist template and much more. 

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What to Contain On Your Roof Maintenance Checklist?

  1. Interior Checkup

The number one thing to check for while carrying out your roof preservation is any sign of interior damage. Always do the inspections before making your way to the roof as you look for any signs of water damage like mold and leaks. 

The other thing to look for when performing your inner checks is for damage to any beams. This may include possible cracking or rotting, which may impact the integrity of roof parts.

  1. Cleanliness Inspection

Make your way to the roof once the interior inspection is complete. Here, inspect your roof’s cleanliness and check out any accumulated debris over time. If you find any, remove it since debris can block gutters and lead to untimely rotting of your roof.

  1. Inspect The Surface of Your Roof

Inspecting the surface of your roof for any signs of damage is the next thing in your rooftop maintenance checklist. However, what you need to check depends on the type of roof.

For example, for a flat roof, look out for any low spots that collect standing water and any evidence of holes, tears, and blistering. Also, for gravel roofs, make sure that there are no bare spots and an even layer of gravel.

  1. Trim Any Overhanging Branches

Tree branches can be an issue for various reasons. The most noticeable being the risk of them falling on your roof during harsh weather. Also, be watchful when it comes to your landscaping and cut off any big branches directly over your roof. It will help lessen storm damage while also inhibiting leaves from loading on top of your shingles.

  1. Exterior Components Inspection

If your roof boasts of exterior components like vents, chimneys, or pipes, you need to check them next. Inspect their surface for sanitation and look out for any signs of aging. This could include rust, rot, moss, or peeling paint.

  1. Flashing

If you need flashing to install skylights on your roof, you need to pay extra attention to such areas. Ensure they are not pulling away from the top or leaving gaps. This can be a sign that you may have leaky or severe damage to your roof membrane.

  1. Equipment and Pipe Support

Pipe and equipment supports are among the essential elements of any roof preventative maintenance checklist. Ensure there are no unsecured pipes, and that no cracks appear in the support’s base. Also, ensure that the supports aren’t digging into your roof’s membrane.

  1. Safety Signage

Ensure any required signs are clear and posted in a prominent place. Without proper signage, your repair experts could be hurt the next time they are on the rooftop.

  1. Routine Inspections

Routine inspections are a vital part of great residential roof maintenance, even if you think your roof is in excellent condition. Check your roof once in a while to ensure it’s in good shape. 

  1. Railings and Stairs

The next thing in your maintenance checklist is to inspect platforms, stairs, crossovers, and railings for structural soundness. Also, check for loose parts and surface corrosion like damaged paint and missing or faulty elements such as rail posts and threads.

  1. Older Repairs

The last thing to include in your checklist is to keep an eye on any old repairs. Old roof repairs are always the first to fail, especially if an inexperienced person did them.

Advantages of Roof Maintenance 

Routine roof maintenance is a priority when it comes to home improvement jobs. There are various advantages to maintaining the roof of your house. Here are some of the merits.

  • To Prolong Your Roof’s Life

The primary role of a roof is to protect your home and the people living in the house. Therefore, a roof should perform that role for a long time. However, some elements affect a roof’s condition, hence shortening its life span.

Regular roof maintenance could make your roof more resistant to damage caused by the environment. Some of the roof maintenance services that could extend the life of your roof include sealing, re-coating, and structural repairs.

  • Damage Control

Sticking to a rigid maintenance routine is among the most significant benefits in avoiding expensive repairs. Neglecting your roof makes you unaware of any roofing issues until the situation causes widespread damage. By undertaking routine upkeep, you can quickly identify and address emerging problems before they become a risk.

  • Boost Energy Efficiency

Homeowners are gradually becoming more aware of energy efficiency. A roofing expert always commends his clients for preserving their roofs and keeping them in a tip-top shape. This will aid your house with a better insulation system, eventually leading to reduced energy loss and lessened energy bills.

  • Maintain The Beauty of Your House

Everybody wishes to live in a stunning house. Undoubtedly, the roof is an aesthetic feature of the home. Therefore, it only seems right to keep it in perfect shape. Also, broken gutters or missing slate shingles don’t look brilliant, more so when you aim to sell the house. This is where consistent maintenance will do its job.

Final Words

Your roof needs continual preservation and care to ensure that it is performing well and lasts long. So, follow the easy roof maintenance checklist and guard your roof against damage, whether you decide to carry out your roof maintenance yourself or hire an expert

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